• 印尼防疫狠招 不戴口罩罚躺棺材

    20-09-11 Each day in Jakarta at 9 am sharp, local government official Ricky Mulyana and three colleagues don full personal protective equipment, hoist a wooden coffin onto their shoulders, and set out on a funeral procession down busy city streets. 在雅加达...

  • 新加坡情侣棺材旁拍婚纱照引热议

    15-07-20 A Singaporean couple has created a stir online after posing with a coffin in their wedding photos. 一对新加坡情侣在棺材旁边拍摄婚纱照,此举在网上引起了轰动。 For Jenny Tay and Darren Cheng, both undertakers, death played a central and important part...

  • 死者个子高 南非殡仪馆锯腿下棺

    14-06-13 外国媒体报道,3年前,南非一名殡仪馆女老板在安葬一具男性尸体时遇到了难题,男性死者个子太高,无法塞进棺材里,于是吩咐员工将其腿锯掉。如今,这位女老板涉嫌毁损他人遗体被告上法庭。 A undertaker(承办人) who ordered staff to saw off the legs of a corpse...

  • Eight Cousins - Chapter 19

    13-08-09 Brother Bones Rose accepted her uncle's offer, as Aunt Myra discovered two or three days later. Coming in for an early call, and hearing voices in the study, she opened the door, gave a cry and shut it quickly, looking a good deal startled. The Doct...

  • 理查德三世墓地附近出土一口棺中棺

    13-07-30 Archaeologists have unearthed a mysterious coffin-within-a-coffin near the final resting place of Richard III. The University of Leicester team lifted the lid of a medieval(中世纪的) stone coffin this week -- the final week of their second dig at...

  • 瑞典某店主设计音乐盒棺材

    13-01-20 瑞典一位音像器材店主设计了一款带有内置扬声器的棺材,扬声器连着远程播放器,逝者的亲友可以随时在网上更新播放器中的曲目。这样不但可以帮助逝者的亲人寄托哀思,也能让逝者在地下继续享受音乐。 A Swedish man has designed a coffin with built-in speakers linke...
