• You must come for dinner. 改天联系吧。

    21-07-19 你以为是请你来吃晚饭吗,不,别人只是客套一下而已...以后有人想跟你唠嗑但是你没空,或者想委婉拒绝,你就可以用这句回复。 -Mary, can we watch a movie together on Sunday? -Sorry Im busy. You must come for dinner. -玛丽,周日有空一起看电影吗? -不好意思,...

  • 串门有哪些表达

    21-04-19 stop by/in(顺便)拜访;串门 to visit a person or place for a short time, usually when you are going somewhere else come by(顺路)串门;拜访 to visit a place for a short time, often when you are going somewhere else look in on someone串门;顺路拜访...

  • be hard-earned 来之不易

    21-03-26 来之不易,汉语成语,意思是得到它不容易;表示财物的取得或事物的成功是不容易的。可以翻译为be hard-earned,not easily come by或not be easily achieved/obtained/got。 例句: 我们的胜利来之不易。 Victory did not come easily for us. 两国间的传统友谊来之不...

  • come in from the cold 不再受冷落

    21-01-28 表达 come in from the cold 可以描述 某人在受到一段时间的冷落后,或在被排斥后回归正常,预期这个人将重新恢复以往的工作职位。这个表达多用在谈论与商务有关的话题中,同时也可以用在描述个人情况的语境中。表达中的动词 come 可以用 bring 来替换,即 bring someo...

  • come up trumps 意外地大获成功

    20-12-22 Come up trumps 是一个地道的表达,它的意思是 成功地完成一项任务,结果出乎意料地令人满意。它由动词短语 come up(某事意外发生) 和名词 trump(卡牌游戏中的王牌) 构成。这个表达中的 come up 可以用 turn up 替换,即 turn up trumps,意思不变。 例句 I though...

  • come rain or shine 风雨无阻

    20-11-08 Come rain or shine 是一个副词短语,意思是 不管发生什么事情,即 无论如何,某件事情一定会发生。它与汉语中所说的 风雨无阻 意思相同,所以既可以用来谈论天气,也可以谈论一般情况。 例句 No matter how difficult her job is, she always makes 100% effort, come...

  • follow me,come along with me,come on

    20-10-31 Follow me. 和 Come along with me. 比较容易被混淆,因为这两句话都可以用来表达 跟我来 的意思。它们之间的区别在于:Follow me. 只能用来请求对方跟着自己走到一个具体的位置,而 Come along with me. 则可以用来建议、提议他人跟着自己一同前往某个地方或者共同去...

  • The Bittern and the Hoopoe

    13-06-08 Where do you like best to feed your flocks? said a man to an old cow-herd. Here, sir, where the grass is neither too rich nor too poor, or else it is no use. Why not? asked the man. Do you hear that melancholy(忧郁,悲哀) cry from the meadow there...

  • The Umbrella 雨伞

    12-10-26 A gentleman staying in a hotel left his umbrella in the hall, but he had put on the handle a card on which was written: This umbrella belongs to a gentleman who can lift up a hundred pounds. I shall be back in ten minutes. When he came back, he foun...

  • come out even 不分胜负

    22-06-19 K.P. 伙夫 ka 千安培 ka. 阴极 kab 出租车 kabala 犹太哲学 Kabardian 卡巴尔德语 kabob 烤肉串 kaboodle 群 kabuki 歌舞伎 Kabul 喀布尔 Kabyle 卡拜尔人 Kaddish 祈祷 kadi 下级法官 kaffeeklatsch 咖啡会 Kafiri 卡菲尔语 kaftan 长衫 Kafue 喀辅埃河 Kagera 喀格拉...