• Mansfield Park - Chapter 31

    21-05-07 Henry Crawford was at Mansfield Park again the next morning, and at an earlier hour than common visiting warrants. The two ladies were together in the breakfast-room, and, fortunately for him, Lady Bertram was on the very point of quitting it as he...

  • cold comfort 于事无补

    21-01-28 如果某件事情被称为 cold comfort,意思就是 本想用此事安慰他人,使其不再因一个消极的状况而感到难过,却没有达到预期的效果,于事无补。 例句 The creation of new jobs looks good, but its cold comfort for all the people who lost their houses during the eco...

  • Rose In Bloom - Chapter 7

    20-12-20 While Rose was making discoveries and having experiences, Phebe was doing the same in a quieter way, but though they usually compared notes during the bedtime tete-a-tete which always ended their day, certain topics were never mentioned, so each had...

  • comfort TV 安慰节目

    18-04-23 Comfort TV refers to television programs with unsophisticated or homespun themes that comfort or provide solace. 安慰节目指的是内容主题简单质朴,让人舒服或能给人慰藉的电视节目。 Breaking Bad and Homeland are brilliant but heavy TV, so shows like Cas...
