• full and strict governance over the Party 全面从严治党

    20-02-12 中共中央总书记、国家主席、中央军委主席习近平1月13日在中国共产党第十九届中央纪律检查委员会第四次全体会议上发表重要讲话。他强调,要一以贯之、坚定不移地全面从严治党,强化对权力运行的制约和监督。 Xi Jinping, general secretary of the Communist Party of C...

  • 中国将设立国家监督委员会

    17-10-30 China will set up its first national supervision commission next year, according to a report from the Communist Party of China (CPC)s anti-graft body. 中国共产党反腐机构的一份报告显示,中国将于明年建立首个国家监督委员会。 According to the work repor...

  • 迈克尔·萨塔当选赞比亚新总统

    11-09-23 Opposition leader Michael Sata has won Zambia's presidential election after two days of vote counting following a tight race with incumbent Rupiah Banda. 经过两天的机票工作,赞比亚反对派领导迈克尔萨塔赢得总统选举胜利。 Mr Sata was declared winner by...

  • 阿富汗总统选举竞争双方展开较量

    09-10-27 Afghan President Hamid Karzai has rejected a call by rival presidential candidate Abdullah Abdullah to sack the head of the Afghan election commission. 阿富汗总统Hamid Karzai拒绝了其总统候选人对手Abdullah解雇选举委员会首领的提议。 Hamid Karzai and A...
