• 被别人打断对话时如何回复

    22-02-15 有时我们不想被别人打断,这时可以这样说: Please let me finish. 请让我说完。 Let me complete my thought. 让我说完我的观点。 Would you please let me finish? 请让我讲完好吗? Can I continue, please? 请让我继续,好吗? 如果你允许别人打扰你,你可以用这些...

  • perfectly safe万无一失

    20-12-02 万无一失,汉语成语,比喻十分稳妥,绝对不会出差错。可以翻译为guarantee complete success; no risk at all; nothing will go wrong; perfectly safe等。 例句: 由他掌舵,通过这段激流险滩是万无一失的。 With him at the helm, we are a hundred percent safe cro...
