• be busy rushing from one to another 手忙脚乱

    20-12-12 手忙脚乱,汉语成语,字面意思是ones hands and feet were all in confusion,形容遇事慌张、忙乱,不知如何是好。可以翻译为be thrown into confusion或 be busy rushing from one to another。 例句: 最后期限的变更让大家都手忙脚乱。 The changing of deadline th...

  • Confusion over Honduras agreement 洪都拉斯政治危机之解决混乱

    09-10-15 There is more confusion in Honduras over whether an agreement has been reached to solve the political crisis. 洪都拉斯国内政治危机是否达成解决协议尚有更多疑惑。 Manuel Zelaya's term as president officially ends in January 2010 Negotiators for ousted...
