• 北京年内“上新”一批博物馆、文化公园

    23-07-06 北京大运河博物馆年底开放、三山五园文保示范区今年建成北京市文物局发布的年度文博领域重点任务显示,北京大力推进博物馆之城建设,今年年内一批博物馆、文化公园将上新。 A batch of museums and parks will be built or opened in Beijing this year, the Beijing M...

  • 用好政策工具箱 实现经济合理增长

    22-07-01 面对经济运行下行压力,如何用好政策工具箱,实现经济合理增长?国家发展改革委副秘书长欧鸿6月28日表示,我国经济韧性好、潜力足、回旋余地大,完全有信心克服经济运行中的困难挑战,有能力应对可能出现的各类超预期变化,确保经济平稳健康可持续发展。接下来将落实落...

  • 各地将严格控制新建超高层建筑

    21-10-28 住房和城乡建设部、应急管理部近日发布通知,要求各地严格控制新建超高层建筑(skyscrapers/high-rises)。实行超高层建筑决策责任终身制。 The country prohibits the approval of buildings taller than 250 meters, and strictly restricts those taller than 150 met...

  • 巴西世界杯体育馆建设进度堪忧

    13-08-14 Brazilian Sports Minister Aldo Rebelo has said he is worried about delays at five stadiums still being built for next year's football World Cup. 巴西体育部长阿尔多雷贝洛称,他对五座正在建设的世界杯体育馆的进度表示担忧。 The Arena da Amazonia, in Man...

  • bridge collapse 桥梁垮塌

    13-03-18 It is the sixth major bridge collapse across the country since July last year, following one in Beijing and another in the eastern city of Hangzhou. Shoddy construction and over-loading have been blamed. 此次大桥垮塌事故是自去年7月以来全国范围内发生...

  • 纳米材料可广泛应用于建筑领域

    10-07-29 Nanomaterials are poised for widespread use in the construction industry, where they can offer significant advantages for a variety of applications ranging from making more durable concrete to self-cleaning windows. But widespread use in building ma...
