• 世界银行将与亚投行加深合作

    17-04-24 World Bank and the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) signed a memorandum of understanding here on Sunday to strengthen cooperation between the two institutions. 世界银行与亚洲基础设施投资银行周日签署了一份加强双方合作的理解备忘录。 Under t...

  • 评估人的团队协作能力

    14-03-05 It's long been a popular stereotype: Men are hugely competitive, meaning cooperative effort is the exception rather than the norm, while women have a tendency to nurture relationships with others, making them much more likely to cooperate with one a...

  • 财富分配不均能促进相互合作

    13-10-06 Wealth inequality can encourage people to cooperate when they would otherwise have no incentive to do so, according to a new study published 3 October in Nature Communications. In many groups and societies, the temptation to defect is high, which me...

  • 基因相似性促进合作

    12-04-19 In a dog-eat-dog world of ruthless(无情的) competition and 'survival of the fittest,' new research from the University of Leicester reveals that individuals are genetically programmed to work together and cooperate with those who most resemble(类...
