• measure other people's corn by one's own bushel 以己度人”

    21-03-26 以己度人,汉语成语,意思是:拿自己的心思来衡量或揣度别人,用自己的心思去猜度别人,包含贬义。可以翻译为judge others against ones own value,或用习语 measure other peoples corn by ones own bushel表示。 例句: 因为他们自己历史上真的就这么干了上百年,所...

  • 玉米秸秆内有种类丰富的蛋白质

    16-06-27 The genome of the corn plant - or maize, as its called almost everywhere except the US - is a lot more exciting than scientists have previously believed. So says the lead scientist in a new effort to analyze and annotate the depth of the plants gene...

  • Road Trip

    16-05-17 Road Trip Davis McCombs Over the singed and brittle roadside stalks, over cotton, corn and stubble, our cars dark bug-shape slithers. Over the metal drainpipe, over the oil rig, and the burned field where a windmill cranks its pinch of rust, we are...

  • 甜玉米内与拥挤胁迫相关的基因被发现

    16-03-16 Plants grown in high-density or crowded populations often put more energy into growth and maintenance than reproduction. For example, flowering may be delayed as plants allocate resources to growing taller and escape competition for light. This sens...

  • 干旱影响美国玉米带作物产量

    14-05-02 Increasingly harsh drought conditions in the U.S. Midwest's Corn Belt may take a serious toll on corn and soybean yields over the next half-century, according to research published today in the journal Science. Corn yields could drop by 15 to 30 per...