• counter-investigation 对抗组织审查

    15-08-21 Corrupt officials, from high-ranking executives to lowly bureaucrats, are getting more sophisticated in evading investigations, an anti-graft newspaper reported. 纪检报纸指出,不论是级别高还是级别低的贪官,在逃避组织调查时越来越花样百出。 《中国纪检...

  • international manhunt 海外追逃

    15-04-08 Chinese police have seized 88 suspects in an international manhunt since July which targets corrupt officials and suspects in economic crimes that have fled the county, the Ministry of Public Security said Saturday. 公安部周六表示,自7月份针对在逃境...

  • hunt for those who have fled abroad 追逃

    14-05-23 Prosecutors nationwide will clamp down on corrupt officials this year and step up the hunt for those who have fled abroad , according to the top procurator. 最高人民检察院检察长表示,今年全国上下的检察院都将严厉打击贪官,加强追逃工作。 追逃的英文表...

  • 《辛普森一家》新剧嘲笑意大利是“腐败窝”

    13-12-01 Italianshave reacted with a mixture of indignation and self-criticism after an episode of The Simpsons mocked the country as a den of corruption. 《辛普森一家》新剧集嘲笑意大利是腐败窝,意大利人心情复杂,既感到愤怒,又不得不进行自我批评。 A cheating...

  • fight every corrupt phenomenon 有腐必反

    13-09-26 我们要坚定决心,有腐必反、有贪必肃,不断铲除腐败现象滋生蔓延的土壤,以实际成效取信于民。 We must have the resolution to fight every corrupt phenomenon , punish every corrupt official and constantly eradicate the soil which breeds corruption, so as t...

  • 打草惊蛇

    12-08-27 Long long ago, a county magistrate(地方法官) named Wang Lu worked in present day Anhui province, East China. Wang Lu was very greedy and took many bribes. One of his secretaries was equally corrupt, and often schemed for Wang Lu's deeds. One day a...

  • repatriate corrupt official 遣返贪官

    12-02-23 Nations working to return graft fugitives--Cameron Kerry said that there's good cooperation between Chinese and US prosecutors in finding ways to repatriate corrupt officials or ill-gotten assets. 美国将与中国合作遣返贪官美国商务部总法律顾问卡梅伦克...

  • 印尼法院院长建议将腐败官员关起来示众

    11-12-03 While corrupt officials might not be afraid of legal punishment, chief of the Indonesia Constitutional Court Mahfud MD said that they should be humiliated by being held in a special zoo. 印尼宪法法院院长马福称,腐败官员也许不怕法律惩罚,那么他们应该...

  • 新西兰获评全球最清廉国家

    09-11-21 非政府组织透明国际公布的2009年度清廉指数显示,在受评估的180个国家当中,新西兰以9.4分的成绩高居榜首,成为全球最清廉的国家,紧随其后的是得分9.3的丹麦,新加坡和瑞典则以9.2分并列第三。冲突不断的索马里和阿富汗分别以1.1分和1.3分在排名中垫底。该清廉指数采...
