• invite someone with complete sincerity 三顾茅庐

    21-12-29 三顾茅庐,汉语成语,字面意思是pay three visits to the thatched cottage,原为刘备拜访诸葛亮的故事。后人用三顾茅庐来比喻诚心实意地一再邀请。可以翻译为invite someone with complete sincerity,repeatedly request somebody to take up a post。 例句: 我们三...

  • The old man who did no wrong

    16-01-05 In the countryside, there is a cottage with a thatched roof. There is a shock's nest on the eaves. The wall slopes and there are flowers in the window. They have a pot-bellied stove. In this cottage live an old couple -- a peasant and his wife. Even...
