• 几款口味奇特、造型罕见的创意冰淇淋

    22-06-24 夏天来了,又到了吃冰淇淋的季节。市面上销售的冰淇淋口味繁多,花样百出,除了香草、巧克力、草莓等常见口味,一些商家还推出了中药冰淇淋、香菜冰淇淋、白酒冰淇淋等。 你尝试过哪些奇特的冰淇淋?今天要给大家介绍几款外国的口味奇特、造型罕见的创意冰淇淋。 昆虫...

  • “自相矛盾”的英语单词 4

    22-05-26 31. dollop(固态的)一团,一块(液态的)一点,少许 a dollop of whipped cream 一团生奶油 a dollop of whiskey 少量威士忌 32. garnish增添配菜扣钱 Garnish the dish with parsley before serving. 这道菜端上桌之前,可以在上面配些欧芹点缀一下。 His employer...

  • lifting intensifier 祛皱紧致霜

    22-03-02 1. lifting intensifier 祛皱紧致霜 intensifier的本意是(英语语法中的)强调成分,尤指副词或形容词。 要正确翻译护肤品化妆品,这也是门学问...

  • Pre-makeup 妆前准备工作

    22-01-25 目的:锁住水分,让后续的底妆看起来更清透(dewy makeup)、更持久(longevity of your makeup),避免后续上妆卡粉(cakey)。 购物Tips:小仙女们可以使用不同的产品,包括Face Mists/Spray(面部喷雾)、Serums(精华)、Lotion/Toner(化妆水)、Cream(保湿霜),Primer(妆前乳)...

  • not half good 不是一般的好

    21-09-14 01 极其、非常 如果not half后面加了形容词或副词,可以表示极其非常。比如说not half good就有点类似于我们说的不是一般的好。 例句: Your painting is not half good. 你的画不是一般的好。(你的画太好了) 02 程度很深 如果有人问你对于某件事情的态度时,用not h...

  • 日本研究中心发明不会融化的冰淇淋

    17-08-21 Researchers at the Biotherapy Development Research Center Co. in Kanazawa, Japan, have come with a 100%-natural solution to the age-old problem of melting ice-cream. By using polyphenol found in strawberry, they can keep a popsicle from melting for...

  • 日本科学家:早餐吃冰淇淋可改善人的机敏度

    16-12-05 In a discovery that will give nutritionists the shivers, a Japanese scientist has discovered that consuming ice cream for breakfast improves a persons alertness and mental performance. 一位日本科学家的发现让营养学家们不寒而栗,他称,早餐摄入冰淇淋可...

  • 防晒词汇

    16-08-22 sunbathing 日光浴 sunburn 晒伤 tan 晒黑;使晒黑;黄棕色的;黄棕色 penetrate 穿透;刺入 melanoma 黑色素瘤 reddening 皮肤发红 overexposure to the suns rays 过度暴晒 apply/reapply sunscreen 使用/补涂防晒霜 SPF(Sun Protection Factor) 防晒系数 suntan l...

  • frozen yogurt 冻酸奶

    16-07-31 A trend has been that the ice cream industry is trying to get health-friendly, with low calories and low-carb options, but it is playing catch-up to frozen yogurt , Andre said. Besides health concerns, two more innovations in the frozen yogurt indus...

  • 日常生活中常见的各类零食

    16-06-27 饼干 biscuit 棒棒糖 bonbon 茶tea (沏茶make the tea) 话梅 prune candied plum 锅巴 rice crust 瓜子 melon seed 冰棒(冰果)ice(frozen) sucker 冰淇凌 ice cream 圣代冰淇淋 sundae 巧克力豆 marble chocolate barley 布丁pudding...