• drop the ball 掉链子

    21-11-19 骑车兜风是一种美好的享受,但一旦在骑行的时候遇到链条脱落,失去传动力,就不那么美好了。 掉链子([of a bicycle chain] come off),本意是指自行车的一种常见故障,现在比喻把一件事情搞砸了,或重要时刻出错,与英文习语drop the ball意思相近。 中国人常说的关...

  • Mad 疯狂类情绪

    16-07-07 初级词汇 critical(挑剔的), hateful(可恶的), selfish(自私的), angry(生气的), hostile(不友善的), hurt(受伤的) 高级词汇 skeptical(多疑的), irritated(恼怒的), jealous(妒忌的), frustrated(挫败的), sarcastic(讥讽的), distant(疏远的...

  • critical illness 重大疾病

    13-03-18 China on Thursday announced a decision to expand the coverage of the country's healthcare insurance system to include the treatment of critical illnesses , aiming to prevent patients from being reduced to poverty by necessary healthcare costs. 本周...
