• 英国经济概况 4

    21-10-05 1.Arable farming emphasizes crop production and occurs on the more fertile soils. The chief crops are wheat, barely, oats, sugar beer and potatoes. During farming rears cattle primarily for milk production. Western regions with moderate rainfull, m...

  • 英科学家用基因编辑造“抗病猪”

    21-02-09 不少人都听说过用转基因改造生物。多年来,科学家一直在研究修改生物和植物的DNA,以从某种方式上改变它们的特征。生活中最常见的例子就是转基因食品。现在,科学家可对猪的基因进行改造,从而提起它们的存活率。他们使用的技术不是转基因,而是基因编辑。区别是什么呢...

  • crop rotation 轮作

    17-05-07 China will expand its trials of crop rotation and fallow systems this year as part of efforts to facilitate the green development of agriculture. 今年我国将扩大耕地轮作休耕制度试点规模,促进农业绿色发展。 轮作(crop rotation)指在同一田块上有顺序地...

  • 提高木薯产量

    16-04-19 For nearly a billion people around the world, cassava is a staple crop and a primary source of calories. The plant is easy to cultivate -- cuttings grow well on marginal land--and it is very tolerant of drought. For the U.S. Department of Energy, th...

  • 1980年来干旱对谷类植物产量影响很大

    16-01-07 Drought and extreme heat events slashed cereal harvests in recent decades by 9% to 10% on average in affected countries - and the impact of these weather disasters was greatest in the developed nations of North America, Europe and Australasia, accor...

  • 野生蜜蜂数量下降影响美国农作物产量

    15-12-28 The first national study to map U.S. wild bees suggests they're disappearing in many of the country's most important farmlands--including California's Central Valley, the Midwest's corn belt, and the Mississippi River valley. If losses of these cruc...