• carry sb in one's arms 公主抱

    22-08-10 我们都知道,hug=拥抱,princess=公主,但公主抱与princess和hug都没关系! carry sb in ones arms=公主抱 carry=抱起 carry是很浪漫的一个词 【例句】 Hes carrying his girlfriend in his arms. 他公主抱他的女朋友。 carry还表示背着的意思 例如: When I was a chi...

  • 抱抱

    22-06-09 1. hug: 拥抱 Hug me, please. 抱抱我吧。 Nothing says it quite like a hug. 拥抱最能表达情感。 He hugged her close to him. 他将她拥入怀中。 She gave a bear hug to him. 她紧紧地抱住他。 2. cuddle: 亲昵地搂抱 They sat in the back row of the cinema kissi...

  • cuddle chair 拥抱座椅

    20-09-26 Boeing calls it the transport vehicle upright sleep support system. The patent for the new comfort sleep system appears to solve the common problem of trying to sleep hunched over to the side or straight up. The system involves a backpack that exten...
