• dawn on 终于明白

    21-08-26 短语 dawn on 的意思是某人终于明白一事。 例句 It dawned on me that I hadnt been sick for two years. It was several hours before the truth finally dawned on Michael: he was in the wrong city. 请注意 另一个短语 the crack of dawn 的意思是黎明,破晓。 We...

  • at the crack of dawn 破晓时分,一大早

    21-06-21 表达 at the crack of dawn 的意思是 一天开始的时候,也被用来表示 天一亮、一大早就发生了某件事情。名词 dawn 指 日出的时候,黎明。 例句 Im so tired today. I had to get up at the crack of dawn to avoid too many people on the train. 我今天累坏了。为了避...

  • 雄鸡报晓由生物钟驱使

    13-03-19 Of course, roosters crow(啼叫,报晓) with the dawn. But are they simply reacting to the environment, or do they really know what time of day it is? Researchers reporting on March 18 in Current Biology, a Cell Press publication, have evidence that...
