• 麋鹿获提名2022冬奥会候选吉祥物

    18-11-01 The Pre Davids deer that narrowly avoided extinction has been proposed as mascot candidate for the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics. 差点就濒危的四不像鹿被推选为2022北京冬奥会候选吉祥物。 A global campaign to select the mascot will end on Oct. 31, accor...

  • 树木可以通过唾液辨认狍子

    17-03-23 In spring, the young, delicate shoots in the forest light up, bright and May green. The buds and shoots are the future of the forests as they allow young trees to grow. The problem for the trees is: Roe deer like to eat them, and especially their bu...

  • 树木可以通过唾液识别狍子

    16-12-14 In spring, the young, delicate shoots in the forest light up, bright and May green. The buds and shoots are the future of the forests as they allow young trees to grow. The problem for the trees is: Roe deer like to eat them, and especially their bu...