• 中华人民共和国邮政法 7

    22-11-18 第七章 罚 则 CHAPTER VII PENALTY PROVISIONS 第三十六条 隐匿、毁弃或者非法开拆他人信件,侵犯公民通信自由权利,情节严重的,依照《中华人民共和国刑法》第一百四十九条的规定追究刑事责任;尚不够刑事处罚的,依照《中华人民共和国治安管理处罚条例》第二十二条的...

  • balance 尾款

    22-11-14 在淘宝卖家规定的时间范围内付尾款,消费者才能享受商家提供的优惠。如果现实中消费者无法在规定时间内付款,预售定金不予退还。 尾款的英文是Balance。 例句: They were due to pay the balance on delivery. 他们定在货到时支付尾款。...

  • 用无人机送快递

    22-07-22 无人机的用途很多,从保护人们免受疟疾危害到向偏远地区发送邮件,使用这种技术的新方法一直在研发中。 Technology is developing by leaps and bounds. A gadget as small as a smartphone now has more processing power than rockets to the Moon once had. New tec...

  • Actually 其实

    22-02-08 Actually 其实 给自己找借口的时候。 -You are coming to the seminar tomorrow right? -Actually, I have to wait for a delivery in my flat, so I probably cant make it. -你明天要来小组讨论课的吧? -其实我明天得在家等快递,所以可能来不了了。 表达转折,和自...

  • 快递相关表达

    22-01-25 1)寄快递:send a package,没错,就是如此简单直接。 举个例子: I will send my father a package for his birthday. 老爸过生日,我要给他寄一个快递。 2)取快递:receive a package 举个例子: Lily received a package from her ex-boyfriend. 莉莉收到了她前男...

  • 快递

    22-01-25 1)express快递服务:a special delivery service 举个例子: The notebook arrived by express. 笔记本是通过快递寄过来的。 当然了,express还有一些固定的搭配 举例子: an express letter特快信 an express airmail service航空快件业务 2)包裹package/parcel 和...

  • delivery

    22-01-25 1)快递:the act of bringing goods, letters etc to a particular person or place, or the things that are brought 举个例子: You can expect your delivery in 2 to 3 days. 你可以在2到3天内收到货物。 给我们送快递的小哥哥/小姐姐你也可以说是:delivery guy/...

  • delivery fee to be collected 到付

    21-11-19 邮寄快递时,通常需要选择付款方式(payment)是到付还是寄付。 到付顾名思义就是指包裹运达目的地后由收货人给付运费(person or company that receives packages will pay delivery fees at the time the packages are received),可以翻译为 delivery fee to be co...