• dental fear 看牙恐惧症

    16-12-11 Dental fear is the fear of dentistry and of receiving dental care. It is estimated that as many as 75% of US adults experience some degree of dental fear, from mild to severe. 看牙恐惧症指的是对牙科及接受牙科治疗的恐惧。据估计,美国成年人中有75%有不...

  • 许多兽医惧怕猫科口腔手术

    14-10-27 A survey published this year found that over 50% of final year veterinary students in the UK do not feel confident either in discussing orodental problems with clients or in performing a detailed examination of the oral cavity of their small animal...

  • 整齐的牙齿对心里健康无积极影响

    12-09-06 Straightening children's crooked(弯曲的) teeth with braces may improve their smile but it is no guarantee of happiness and improved self esteem. A 20-year study by scientists in Britain that looked at the impact of braces on more than 300 children...

  • 骨生成蛋白质可提高牙移植成功率

    11-03-06 Using a bone-creating protein to augment(增加) the maxillary sinus(上颌骨窦) could improve dental implant success, according to Georgia Health Sciences University researchers. Dental implants, screws that anchor permanent prosthetic(假体的) te...
