• be thrown into a dilemma 进退维谷

    21-06-06 进退维谷,意思是无论是进还是退,都是处在困境之中,维相当于是,谷比喻困境。与进退两难同义,可以翻译为be thrown into a dilemma。与英文习语between a rock and a hard place;between the devil and the deep blue sea意思相近,表示between two equally difficu...

  • 道德两难:杀一人还是杀五人?

    11-12-02 Imagine a runaway boxcar(货车车厢) heading toward five people who can't escape its path. Now imagine you had the power to reroute the boxcar onto different tracks with only one person along that route. Would you do it? That's the moral dilemma pos...
