• 恐龙牙釉质波纹构造的最古老记录

    18-11-21 Scientists at Jilin University recently uncovered the earliest record of the undulated structure of dinosaur tooth enamel. 吉林大学的科学家发现恐龙牙釉质波纹构造的最古老记录。 The discovery will help scientists to improve research in the evolution,...

  • 山东发现300多个恐龙脚印

    18-06-20 Experts and scholars from China, the United States and Australia have confirmed the discovery of over 300 dinosaur footprints from 7 species in east Chinas Shandong Province, reports Beijing News. 来自中国、美国和澳大利亚的专家和学者一致确认在山东发...

  • 重庆云阳将建侏罗纪恐龙主题公园

    18-05-14 Yunyang, a county situated in the northeast of Chongqing municipality, has recently pledged to build a Jurassic dinosaur theme park to exhibit its range of dinosaur fossil discoveries. 位于重庆市东北的云阳县计划建造一座侏罗纪恐龙主题公园,以展示其发...

  • 中国发现一种新的长羽毛的恐龙化石

    17-05-05 A team of Chinese and Canadian researchers have discovered a new species of troodontid, a dinosaur species which had feathers. 一组来自中国和加拿大的研究人员发现了一种新恐龙,一种有羽毛的伤齿龙。 In a paper published in the respected journal Nature...

  • 古生物学家发现大型霸王龙化石

    16-08-22 Paleontologists with the Burke Museum of Natural History and Culture and the University of Washington have discovered a Tyrannosaurus rex, including a very complete skull. The find, which paleontologists estimate to be about 20 percent of the animal...

  • 威尔士发现2亿年历史的侏罗纪恐龙化石

    16-01-21 A new carnivorous dinosaur species named Dracoraptor hanigani uncovered in the south of Wales is possibly the oldest known Jurassic dinosaur from the UK, according to a study published January 20, 2016 in the open-access journal PLOS ONE by David Ma...

  • 角龙家族将添新成员

    15-12-11 The Ceratopsia family is growing again. Researchers have described a new species of plant-eating dinosaur, Hualianceratops wucaiwanensis, that stood on its hind feet and was about the size of a spaniel. It is similar in age to the oldest-known membe...

  • 恐龙祖先与首批恐龙出现的间隔并不长

    15-12-08 A new study by a team of scientists from Argentina, Brazil, California and the Natural History Museum of Utah at the University of Utah has determined that the time elapsed between the emergence of early dinosaur relatives and the origin of the firs...

  • 中国出土最大最完整的翼龙化石

    15-07-21 A newly identified species of feathered dinosaur is the largest ever discovered to have a well-preserved set of bird-like wings, research suggests. Palaeontologists working in China unearthed the fossil remains of the winged dinosaur - a close cousi...

  • 三角恐龙家族鼻角的进化史

    15-07-09 Scientists have discovered Wendiceratops pinhornensis, a new species of horned dinosaur based on fossils collected from a bone bed in southern Alberta, Canada, according to a study published July 8, 2015 in the open-access journal PLOS ONE by co-aut...