• success disasters 成功灾难

    16-08-10 Success disasters are massive problems created when a person or company is unable to handle an overwhelming success. 成功灾难指的是个人或公司无法应对巨大的成功时产生的大量问题。 By the time Sandberg left Google, there were no more doubts about that...

  • 自然灾害风险评估

    14-05-26 Wildfires and flooding affect many more people in the USA than earthquakes and landslide and yet the dread, the perceived risk, of the latter two is much greater than for those hazards that are more frequent and cause greater loss of life. Research...

  • color-coded warning system 颜色预警系统

    13-02-18 Beijing Municipal Bureau of Land and Resources and Beijing Meteorological Bureau jointly issued the yellow alert for possible geological disasters of mud-slides, cave-in and landslip in mountainous areas in the districts of Fangshan, Mentougou, Huai...

  • 四成美国民众认为恶劣天气预示末日来临

    12-12-14 Nearly four in 10 US residents say the severity of recent natural disasters such as Superstorm Sandy is evidence the world is coming to an end, as predicted by the Bible, while more than six in 10 blame it on climate change, according to a poll rele...

  • 瑞典夫妇蜜月旅行经历6次天灾

    11-04-09 一对瑞典新婚夫妇在他们为期4个月的环球蜜月旅行中经历了澳大利亚洪灾、新西兰克莱斯特彻奇地震和日本海啸等6次天灾,实属史上最考验人的蜜月。 A newly-wed couple on a four-month honeymoon were hit by six natural disasters, including the Australian floods, C...
