• discipline center 训诫中心

    14-04-28 Authorities in central China are looking into charges that residents looking to petition the government have been held and mistreated in local discipline centers . 河南省当局正在调查将上访者拘禁在当地的训诫中心进行虐待的控诉。 这种discipline center...

  • self-discipline pact 自律公约

    11-12-12 Representatives from 140 portals and websites signed a self-discipline pact Monday in Beijing, which vows to protest against illegal public relations on the Internet, xinhuanet.com reported. 据新华网报道,来自140家门户网站和其它网站的代表本周一在北...

  • Self-Discipline

    11-08-09 It isn't possible to achieve self-discipline without making some progress on those other principles; self discipline requries self-knowledge and an accurate assesssment of your current abilities. Likewise, the other principles can't really be put in...
