• 美国得州部分学校规定学生只能携带透明或者网状背包上学

    22-07-22 据美国有线电视新闻网报道,当地时间7月18日,美国得克萨斯州第二大公立学区达拉斯独立学区宣布,从今年8月开始,该学区中学生只能携带透明或者网状背包上学。在造成21人丧生的尤瓦尔迪市罗布小学枪击案发生后,得州不少学区宣布要实施这一安全措施,以防止枪支进入校...

  • 国务院制定《2022年元旦春节期间新冠肺炎疫情防控工作方案》

    21-12-22 2022年元旦和春节(以下简称两节)期间,境外回国人员增多,境内人员流动性增加,疫情输入和传播风险加大,防控形势严峻复杂。 为做好两节期间疫情防控工作,国务院应对新型冠状病毒肺炎疫情联防联控机制综合组制定了《2022年元旦春节期间新冠肺炎疫情防控工作方案》。...

  • 《鱿鱼游戏》韩国普遍存在的债务危机

    21-10-09 近日火爆全球的现象级韩剧《鱿鱼游戏》引发了观看热潮,带火了周边产品的销售,也曝光了韩国普遍存在的债务危机。过去几年来,韩国平民负债率不断攀升,贫富差距急剧扩大,许多人都是猝不及防就陷入了债务危机。 After midnight, when the crowds of revellers have go...

  • 北京至雄安新区城际铁路将开工

    18-02-28 Construction begins on a new intercity railway between Beijing and Xiongan New Area that will shorten travel time to half an hour. 北京至雄安新区城际铁路将开工,该铁路将使两地之间的行程时间缩短至半小时。 The railway will be 92.4 kilometers long with...

  • 商场服装区仍在影响着纽约时尚界

    14-02-08 A new study shows New York fashion designers don't just flock to trends: They also do nearly all their business within the confines of the city's historic Garment District. Study co-authors Sarah Williams of MIT's Department of Urban Studies and Pla...

  • High Street 商业街

    13-08-15 High Street (or the High Street) is a metonym for the generic name of the primary business street of towns or cities, especially in the United Kingdom. It is usually a focal point for shops and shopkeepers in city centers, and is most often used in...
