• Appiphilia App痴迷症

    11-09-21 Appiphilia refers to the love of applications for smart phones. The exotic ailment is marked by a creeping lack of self-control when downloading mobile applications. App痴迷症指的是对智能手机应用程序(简称app)的那种热爱之情。这种奇异的病症最明显的...

  • Dongle users face stiff penalties 软件狗用户面临严厉惩罚

    09-07-30 Mobile broadband users face stiff penalties for exceeding their download limits even though most aren't aware of what those limits are. 移动宽带用户因超过连他们自己都不知道的下载限制而面临严厉惩罚。 More people are using mobile broadband A survey co...
