• 《头脑特工队》第15章

    22-09-02 Chapter 15 Sadness stared out the window and came up with an idea. How about we wake her up? Sadness, thats ridiculous, Joy said. How could we possibly She followed Sadnesss gaze and saw what she was staring at: Dream Productions. How about we wake...

  • 常用搭讪口语

    22-08-02 1. I dont know why, but I feel like Ive known you my whole life. 1.不知道为什么,但是我觉得在遇到你之前我就认识你了。 This line will let the other person know that you feel like you have a special connection to them and make them feel all warm and f...

  • 坚持梦想,是唯一的选择

    22-04-15 If you can dream it, you can do it. 梦想还是要有的,万一实现了呢。 I dont know what that dream is that you have. I dont care how disappointing it might be as youre working toward that dream. But that dream that youre holding in your mind its possibl...

  • Deepak Chopra成功学之感受当下 中

    22-04-15 Academia is great because it brings us knowledge, but unless you self-reflect, unless you ask yourself, Who am I? 学术是伟大的,因为它带给我们知识,但是你要自我反省,问你自己,我是谁? What do I want? What is my purpose? What am I grateful for? 我想...

  • 如何表达男生很帅

    22-03-07 1. Mr. Mcdreamy可以指someone is delicious and hot (流口水...) Mr. Mcdreamy is the boy who is perfect whom you cannot have. Mr. Mcdreamy (男神)指你无法拥有的完美至极的男人。 2. Dream man/the man of my dream 梦中情人 He is the man of my dream. 他就是...

  • 夸人的时候可以切换自如

    22-03-01 1 Mr. Mcdreamy Mr. Mcdreamy可以指someone is delicious and hot(秀色可餐,让人流口水...) Mr. Mcdreamy is the boy who is perfect whom you cannot have. Mr. Mcdreamy (男神)指你无法拥有的完美至极的男人。 2 Dream man Dream man/the man of my dream,顾名思...

  • come to nothing 落空

    22-02-28 落空,汉语词语,意思是未达到目的、目标等,可以翻译为come to nothing,fall through,fail等。常见表达如希望落空(fail to attain ones hope)等。 例句: 他的梦想又一次落空了。 His dream has once again fallen short of the mark. 我们的计划落空了。 Our pla...

  • 如果噩梦频繁出现 可能与健康问题相关

    21-09-01 科学家一直在研究梦和健康之间的联系,试图从梦中了解更多关于身体健康的信息。 目前还没有科学证据表明梦境能够预示某种特定的疾...

  • a pipe dream 白日梦

    21-06-22 一个人即使计划得再好,如果没有切实可行的条件,那梦想就如同烟雾一般虚无飘渺。我们通常使用英语表达a pipe dream来指出某人的计划或想法如同白日做梦一般,行不通。这个说法有消极意味,所以不能用来描述 梦想、美梦等相对积极的概念。 例句 My mother says my fath...

  • 如梦令

    21-06-16 如梦令 Like A Dream 李清照 常记溪亭日暮,沉醉不知归路。 兴尽晚回舟,误入藕花深处。 争渡,争渡,惊起一滩鸥鹭。 I often remember that sunset at Creek Pavilion: Too drunk to know our way back home. Turning the boat sound after a joyous day, We blundere...