• backseat driver 喜欢指手画脚的人

    21-06-11 指手画脚,意思是一边说话一边比画,形容随意发号施令或乱加批评(make indiscreet remarks or criticisms)。而喜欢指手画脚的人可以翻译为backseat driver,表示someone who tells others how to do things;a person who interferes in affairs without having know...

  • 英国或将在2021年底前允许自动驾驶汽车上路

    21-05-16 英国政府表示,今年年底之前,自动驾驶车辆可能会被允许上路。英国交通部(The Department for Transport)表示,自动车道保持系统(ALKS)将会是第一种合法的免握方向盘的驾驶方式。 This plan is being billed as a first step towards allowing self-driving cars o...

  • Sunday driver 不常开车的生手

    21-05-11 Sunday driver可不能仅仅从字面上翻译为星期天的司机。其实这个表达正确的含义是指不常开车的生手。 例句: I wish I could get around this guy in front of me , he is going too slow and must be a Sunday driver. 我真希望我能超过前面那辆车,那人开得太慢了,肯...

  • 叫车软件造成的交通拥堵难题

    21-02-09 近些年来,通过用手机应用程序叫车上下班已经成为很多人常用的通勤方式。然而,随着使用这类软件的用户数不断增加,城市内的交通拥堵情况也变得更加严重:更多的车辆减慢了车流速度,从而导致道路交通瘫痪。我们可以怎样解决这个难题? Have you ever taken a taxi? In...

  • designated driving 代驾

    21-01-10 喝酒不开车,开车找代驾。近年来,随着人们交通安全意识的提升,代驾服务逐渐流行起来。代驾,是指专业人员驾驶车主的车将其送至指定地点并收取一定费用的行为。可以翻译为designated driving/be a designated driver,也可以用chauffeur service或chauffeuring表示。...

  • 海南掌掴公交司机的乘客被判四年

    19-05-10 A passenger who slapped a bus driver on the face was given a four-year prison sentence on Thursday by a court in the city of Haikou in Hainan Province. 海南海口一位掌掴公交司机的乘客被法院判处四年有期徒刑。 According to Hainan Online, in December la...

  • 中国研发出无人驾驶电动公交

    17-11-07 A new model of self-driving city buses has rolled off the production line and finished initial testing at a factory in central Chinas Hubei Province. 一种新型无人驾驶城市公交在湖北省某工厂驶下生产线并已完成初期测试。 The 6.7-meter long buses were jo...

  • porcelain bumping 碰瓷

    17-05-26 The scam may be as old as the automobile itself: A fraudster throws himself in front of a vehicle and demands that the driver pay for his self-inflicted (or nonexistent) injuries. But in an age of ever-present cameras, its getting a lot harder to pu...

  • Saving The Easter Bunny

    17-05-17 A man was blissfully driving along the highway, when he saw the Easter Bunny hopping across the middle of the road. He swerved to avoid hitting the Bunny, but unfortunately the rabbit jumped in front of his car and was hit. The basket of eggs went f...

  • 达喀尔拉力赛 中国车手首次位居榜首

    17-01-06 A Chinese driver has topped the rankings for the first time in Dakar history. 达喀尔拉力赛历史上,中国车手排名首次位居榜首。 Sixty-one-year-old Mao Ruijin driving a Polaris is leading the 7-vehicle UTV category after two days of racing. Mao snatched...