• 凉凉

    21-05-28 Dead duck 凉凉,不能理解为天气很凉,而是完蛋了,失败了的意思。 Dead duck,顾名思义:死鸭子。没得救了,凉凉了。 Dead duck,表示注定要完蛋的人;没有价值的人或事。用它来表示凉凉,再形象不过了。 Joe will be a dead duck when his wife learns what he did....

  • duck face 嘟嘴

    21-05-28 someones face when their lips are pushed outwards, especially in photographs 鸭子的嘴巴和人嘟嘴时候的样子有些像,因此duck face不是鸭子脸,而是人们嘟嘴的样子。 就是拍照时候,嘴唇往前噘的动作,和鸭子嘴非常像,是个很形象的表达。这个动作在自拍里很常见。...

  • 可爱的橡皮鸭可能危害健康

    21-04-07 在劳累的一天后能够在浴室里泡澡是一件非常惬意的事。但来自英国伦敦玛丽女王大学(Queen Mary University)研究病毒学的约翰奥克斯福特(John Oxford)名誉教授说:从卫生角度来看,浴室是一个难对付的地方。一项由奥克斯福特教授监督指导的研究发现,在泡澡时常用来...

  • 如何表达“警告”

    21-01-06 别动! Freeze!动就开枪!,语气强烈。 Hey, you, freeze! (喂,说你呢,别动!) 蹲下! Duck!上面有危险的东西掉下来时,提醒对方注意卧倒、蹲下。 You have to duck down here. (你得躲到这儿来。)还有时间,不太紧急的情况。 举起手来! Hands up! Put your hands up!...

  • 专八高频100词 1

    16-08-03 marijuana n.大麻 diarrhea n.腹泻 sanitation n.卫生设备,卫生环境 frenetic a. 发狂的,狂热的 indulgence n.沉溺;放纵 extravagant a.过度的;浪费的,奢侈的 plausible a.可信的,貌似合理的 ritual n.仪式,惯例 corollary n.必然的结果;推论 instinct n.本能...

  • 日常生活中常见的各类面

    16-06-27 馄饨面 wonton noodles 刀削面 sliced noodles 麻辣面 spicy hot noodles 麻酱面 sesame paste noodles 鸭肉面 duck with noodles 鳝鱼面 eel noodles 乌冬面 seafood noodles 榨菜肉丝面 pork, pickled mustard green noodles 牡蛎细面 oyster thin noodles 板条 flat...

  • 火锅食材英文大搜罗

    16-06-02 白菜 Chinese cabbage 空心菜 water spinach 油麦菜/生菜 lettuce 茼蒿 crown daisy 菠菜 spinach 韭菜 Chinese chive/leek 韭黄 leek shoot 香菜 coriander 莲藕 lotus root 冬瓜 white gourd 青笋 endive sprout 豆芽 bean sprout 豆腐 tofu 油豆腐 fried bean curd...

  • 北京大董烤鸭汉堡店推出烤鸭堡

    16-04-05 Love roasted Peking duck? Weve got the burger for you. 爱吃北京烤鸭是吧?这款汉堡肯定合你心意。 While McDonalds and KFC continue to introduce Chinese-style burgers to appeal to local tastes, high-end Peking duck restaurant DaDong has opened is own f...

  • Friends of a feather 禽以毛聚

    16-02-17 An American tourist was lunching in a restaurant in China, whose specialty was roast duck. The waiter explained each dish as he brought it to the table: This is the breast of the duck. This is the leg of the duck. This is the wing of the duck Then c...

  • That's One Dead Duck

    15-04-15 A woman brought a very limp duck into a veterinary surgeon. She laid her pet on the table. The vet pulled out his stethoscope and listened to the bird's heart. I'm so sorry; your pet duck has passed away. The distressed owner wailed Are you sure? Ye...