• 《超凡蜘蛛侠》精彩词句

    23-01-31 1. Come on. I know a right cross when I see it. 别装了,我一看就知道这是右勾拳。 2. Im afraid duty calls. I will leave you in the more-than-capable hands of Miss Stacy. 我还有事,就把你们交给能干的斯泰西小姐了。 3. Most of his victims are suspects w...

  • neglect one's duty 玩忽职守

    22-10-28 玩忽职守,汉语成语,意思是不认真、不负责地对待本职工作。可以翻译为neglect ones duty,slight ones work等。 例句: 反对党议员指责部长玩忽职守。 Opposition MPs charged the minister with neglecting his duty....

  • do one's duty 尽职尽责

    22-05-09 Do ones duty Definition: complete a responsibility, do something that is expected of you 定义:尽职尽责,完成别人对你的期望。 Remember to do your duty by honoring your parents. 记住,孝敬父母是你的职责。 Ill do my duty but nothing more. 我只会做我职...

  • 2015两会代表精彩语录10

    15-03-12 If the wife of a leader chases after vanity and often says to her husband, why do other leaders have houses and cars while we have nothing?, the leader may take risks to accept bribes to satisfy his wife out of shame. Conversely, if the wife refuses...

  • 法律英语:Customs&tariff 海关和关税

    14-12-26 The customs formalities for the exportation of the following cargo have been duly completed. 下列货物的出关手续已经正式结清。 The Customs Bureau accepts certain foreign exports free of duty. 海关总署允许免税进口几种外国货。 The duty on automobiles w...

  • 法律英语:Tort 侵权

    14-10-31 Tort law is a branch of civil law that is connected with civil wrongs, but not contract actions. 侵权法属于民法的一部分,其与民事过错相关,与合同行为无关。 In tort law the duty is imposed by the law. 在侵权法中,责任是由法律规定的。 Some jurisdictio...

  • 《唐顿庄园》六

    13-08-14 精彩对白 Mary: Thank you for coming to Sybil's rescue. You were very brave. She told me you knocked a man down. Matthew: I hope I did my duty. Mary: Are you a creature of duty ? Matthew: Not entirely. Mary: When you laugh with me or... flirt with me...

  • perish in the line of duty 因公殉职

    13-02-18 Of the 66 identified victims, five perished in the line of duty , according to the Information Office of the municipal government. 北京市政府新闻办通报,已经确认身份的66名遇难者中有5人为因公殉职。 上文中perish in the line of duty就是因公殉职的英文表...
