• auto-buy 自动购买

    22-10-12 最爱的手机品牌出了新款、最爱的作者出了新书、最爱的电影系列出了续集你是不是也迫不及待地自动掏腰包了? Auto-buy refers to automatically purchase the next version or edition of something because you have liked the previous items in the series. 自动购买...

  • 阿斯顿·马丁V8 Vantage S中国专供

    17-05-04 Aston Martin has unveiled a new edition of its V8 Vantage S in Shanghai, which will only be available in China. 阿斯顿马丁在上海车展上展示了一款新车型V8 Vantage S,该车型为中国专供。 Called the Great Britain Edition, the latest variant of the superc...

  • 《新闻周刊》被迫召回“希拉里总统”特刊

    16-11-22 Everyone from pollsters to pundits got the result of the US presidential election wrong. 所有的民调机构和权威专家对美国总统选举的结果预测都是错误的。 But few can have made it in such an expensive manner. Newsweek and a partner that prints up special...

  • 以销量排序 10本最成功的书 下

    15-11-23 The Alchemist , Author: Paulo Coelho # of sold copies: 65 million First edition: 1988 When you want something, all the universe conspires in helping you achieve it. I don't know how does the original in Portugese sound, so the translation will have...

  • 英语口语中部分咒骂语的起源

    14-12-16 The F Bomb The oldest theories trace the expletive-to-end-all-expletives back to Norwegian fukka and Swedish focka, both meaning to copulate. 关于这个完爆所有其他咒骂语的词最早可以追溯到挪威语fukka和瑞典语focka,都是交配的意思。 Unfortunately, we do...

  • 出版业词汇9

    13-02-19 PA Publishers Association 英国出版商协会 package printing 包装印刷 page layout 版面设计 page make-up 装版 page number 页数 page proof 单页校样,版面校样 paper 文件,公文,纸张 paperback 平装,纸皮书 paperback binding 平装 paperback edition 平装本 pa...

  • 出版业词汇1

    13-02-19 ABC book 启蒙读物 abecedary 入门书 abridged edition 简易本,节本 abstract bulletin 文摘通报 abstract journal 文摘杂志 abstracts volume 文摘本 academic dissertation 学位论文 academic thesis 学术论文 accompanying diagram 附图 accordion fold 折页 accor...

  • 报纸相关词汇

    13-02-19 morning edition 晨报 evening edition 晚报 daily 日报 byline 标题下的署名行 dateline 电头 big news 头条新闻 hot news 最新新闻 exclusive news 独家新闻 scoop 抢先报道的新闻;独家新闻 feature 特写,花絮 criticism 评论 editorial 社论 review, comment 时评...

  • 百科全书印刷版停止发售

    12-03-14 After 244 years reference book firm Encyclopaedia Britannica has decided to stop publishing its famous and weighty 32-volume print edition. 经历244年之后,大英百科全书公司决定停止发售其著名的、沉重的、多达32卷的印刷版百科全书。 It will now focus on...
