• 2020年广州将完全使用新能源公交车

    17-05-31 Guangzhous petrol-powered buses will soon be a thing of the past. Starting this year, the southern Chinese city will begin replacing the thousands of public buses with greener, more energy-efficient vehicles. 广州汽油动力公交车将很快成为历史。今年起...

  • 通用2020年前在中国发布10款新能源汽车

    17-05-12 General Motors Co. (GM) plans to launch 10 new energy vehicles including hybrid electrics, plug-in hybrids and pure electrics in China by 2020. 通用汽车计划与2020年前在中国发布10款新能源汽车,包括混合动力车、插电式混合动力车以及纯电动汽车。 Besides...

  • electric scooters 电动滑板车

    16-12-14 Chinas top two cities have banned electric scooters from roads amid safety concerns, despite the growing popularity of the new modes of transportation, for which there are no national safety standards. 出于安全考虑,中国两大城市北京、上海已经禁止电...

  • 电动汽车确实可以缓解气候变化

    16-08-17 Could existing electric vehicles (EVs), despite their limited driving range, bring about a meaningful reduction in the greenhouse-gas emissions that are causing global climate change? Researchers at MIT have just completed the most comprehensive stu...

  • 中国大众将生产更多电动轿车

    16-06-21 Volkswagen China said on Monday that it expects electric vehicles to account for up to 25 percent of its total auto production by 2025. 中国大众周一表示,2025年前其电动轿车产量将达到总产量的25%。 Vehicles driven purely by electricity will sell two t...

  • 纳米技术将推动电池行业的发展

    16-06-01 A team of American and Chinese researchers has developed a new tool that could aid in the quest for better batteries and fuel cells. Although battery technology has come a long way since Alessandro Volta first stacked metal discs in a voltaic pile t...

  • 可以控制购物欲望的电击手环

    16-05-31 For many of us, checking our bank balances can result in a nasty shock if they have been unable to control their spending habits. 对我们很多人来说,如果控制不了购物习惯,查看银行存款余额的时候就会目瞪口呆。 But now a British company is hoping to tur...

  • 首辆中国造电动公交车在圣地亚哥亮相

    16-05-06 Chiles capital Santiago has unveiled its first Chinese-made electric bus as part of a campaign to make the city more environmentally friendly. 首辆中国造电动公交车在智利首都圣地亚哥亮相,该举旨在使城市更加环保。 The fully electric vehicle, manufactu...

  • 格力宣布进入新能源汽车行业

    16-03-09 Chinese home appliance manufacturer Gree Electric has announced plans to tap into the country's growing electric car industry by cooperating with domestic car maker Yinlong New Energy. 中国家电制造商格力电器宣布,计划与国内汽车制造商银隆新能源合作,...

  • pedelec 电动脚踏车

    16-02-16 Pedelec refers to a bicycle equipped with an electric motor that assists the rider's pedaling. 电动脚踏车指装有助力骑车人蹬车的电机的自行车。 该词是由pedal(脚踏车)和electric(电动的)组合而成的。 除了pedelec,其他常见装有小型电机的轻便式交通工具还...