• 电子证据保存是区块链的潜在重要领域

    19-06-21 Electronic evidence preservation is a potential important area for blockchain technology to be applied, according to a recently-issued white paper. 电子证据保存是区块链科技一个潜在的重要应用领域。 Entitled White Paper on Blockchain Technology Applic...

  • 中国科学家发明像纹身的电子皮肤

    18-08-06 Chinese scientists have developed a graphene-based tattoo-like electronic skin, which could function as a wearable electronic device to monitor health. 中国科学家研发出一种以石墨烯为基础的像纹身一样的电子皮肤,可以作为检测健康的可穿戴电子设备。 Elec...

  • ecycling 电子回收

    17-03-22 Ecycling is the process of recycling the components or metals contained in used or discarded electronic equipment. 电子回收指的是回收使用过的或者被丢弃的电子设备中的部件或金属材料。 Electronics waste is growing exponentially. Televisions are used on...

  • USB condom USB安全套

    17-03-14 USB ports are ubiquitous on our electronic devices as a way to charge them and transfer data. But theyre also an easy entry point for malware or other nasty viruses. USB接口在我们的电子设备中普遍存在,用来充电或者传输数据。但它也是恶意软件或者其他令...

  • 电子鼻可能成为下一件日常设备

    16-06-19 Researchers at the Texas Analog Center of Excellence (TxACE) at UT Dallas are working to develop an affordable electronic nose that can be used in breath analysis for a wide range of health diagnosis. While devices that can conduct breath analysis u...

  • ultrasonic sickness 超声病

    16-04-29 Scientists say that a boom in public announcement systems, loudspeakers and automatic doors may be spawning an epidemic of ultrasonic sickness . 科学家认为,公共广播系统、扩音器、自动门等利用超声波控制的设备日益增多,可能会导致超声病的流行。 Even el...

  • eddiction 电子设备上瘾症

    16-04-29 Eddiction is an addiction to electronic devices such as laptops, smartphones, and tablets. Eddiction is characterized by the constant need to check your smartphone for the latest Facebook posts, Twitter updates, news, etc. People with eddiction pref...

  • 瑞典科学家创造电子植物

    15-11-24 Researchers at Linkping University in Sweden have created analog and digital electronics circuits inside living plants. The group at the Laboratory of Organic Electronics (LOE), under the leadership of Professor Magnus Berggren, have used the vascul...

  • 用激光在纸上打印硅

    15-04-22 In seeking to develop the next generation of micro-electronic transistors, researchers have long sought to find the next best thing to replace silicon. To this end, a wealth of recent research into fully flexible electronic circuitry has focused on...

  • 按需导电式石墨烯纳米带

    14-11-12 Physicists have, for the first time, explored in detail the time evolution of the conductivity, as well as other quantum-level electron transport characteristics, of a graphene device subjected to periodic ultra-short pulses. To date, the majority o...