• 2021年十部优秀红色影视剧 上

    21-12-28 2021年恰逢中国共产党成立100周年,在此时间节点上,献礼片成为今年影视行业的关键词。在今年播出的献礼建党百年佳作中,《觉醒年代》无疑是话题度和讨论度最高的。此外,《大浪淘沙》、《长津湖》等影视剧也备受观众喜爱。下面我们盘点了2021年的十部优秀红色影视剧,...

  • 最完美的道歉方式:承认错误并主动弥补伤害

    16-04-23 Elton John once sang that sorry seemed to be hardest word but now scientists have found that the perfect apology requires more than just the word sorry itself. 英国著名音乐家埃尔顿约翰曾唱到,对不起是最难说出的话。不过现在,科学家研究出最完美的道歉...

  • 人工合成超重117号元素

    14-05-04 The periodic table of the elements is to get crowded towards its heaviest members. Evidence for the artificial creation of element 117 has recently been obtained at the GSI Helmholtz Centre for Heavy Ion Research, an accelerator laboratory located i...

  • 研究人员发明电子逻辑功能开关

    11-12-02 Researchers at the University of Pittsburgh have invented a new type of electronic switch that performs electronic logic functions within a single molecule. The incorporation of such single-molecule elements could enable smaller, faster, and more en...

  • 114号、116号元素被命名

    11-12-02 The International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC) have recommended new proposed names for elements 114 and 116, the latest heavy elements to be added to the periodic table(周期表) . Scientists of the Lawrence Livermore National Laborat...

  • 研究人员探寻新的、稳定的元素

    10-02-12 Besides the 92 elements that occur naturally, scientists were able to create 20 additional chemical elements, six of which were discovered at the GSI Helmholtz Centre for Heavy Ion Research in Darmstadt. These new elements were produced artificially...
