• 辞还是不辞?跳槽对个人发展的利与弊

    21-09-10 在过去,人们通常在同一个单位一直工作到退休。对公司忠心耿耿可能给你很多额外的福利和稳定的工作保障。而现在,另谋高就的机会层出不穷,但假如你还没有另一份工作可去,裸辞 是否相当于自毁前程? How long have you been in your job for? If youre climbing a car...

  • play straight 直截了当

    21-07-01 【原句】I never played straight. 【翻译】我从未清醒演出过。 【场景】Ruby再次见到Earl感慨万分,在聊天中Earl得知自己以前演出时都是借它物来让自己活跃起来,可能这是他第一次清醒着表演,稍稍有些胆怯。 【讲解】 straight adj.直的;坦率的;正直的;准的;连续...

  • 法国男子因工作无聊起诉老板

    16-05-05 Bored at work? Try suing your employer. 工作感到无聊?那就起诉你老板吧。 Thats what Parisian Frederic Desnard is doing. He has taken his former employer Interparfums to court because his job was too boring. He is demanding 360,000 euros in damages f...

  • "The Interview" a One-Act Play

    16-01-07 Applicant: I'm looking for a job as a consultant. Employer: I'm sorry, we already have enough consultants. Applicant: That's okay, with my experience, I can be an adviser. Employer: More than we can use already. Applicant (getting desperate): I'm no...

  • workplace U-turn 职场回头草

    15-10-29 Workplace U-turn refers to the action of bouncing back to a former employer after quitting. 职场回头草指辞职后又回到原单位的行为。 While it may seem inconceivable, it is possible to make the dreaded employment U-turn. 职场上吃回头草是人们避之唯恐不...

  • 雇主和雇员

    14-05-07 Workman: Mr. Brown, I should like to ask for a smallrise in my wages. I have just been married. Employer: Very sorry, my dear man, but I can't help you. For accidents which happen to our workmen outside the factory we are not responsible. 工人:布朗...

  • back pay 补发工资

    13-11-12 A common remedy for wage violations is an order that the employer make up the difference between what the employee was paid and the amount he or she should have been paid. The amount of this sum is often referred to as back pay . 违反工资条例的一个...

  • Job hunting? Take those wild party pics off Facebook 雇主也

    09-08-30 Nearly half of US employers research the online profiles of job candidates on social networks such as Facebook, MySpace or LinkedIn, according to a new survey. Forty-five percent of the employers surveyed for CareerBuilder.com, the largest US online...
