• 字节跳动将进入搜索引擎市场

    19-08-14 ByteDance, the fast-growing social media unicorn in China, is set to enter the search engine market in China in a battle against Baidu and Tencent, reports CNBC. 字节跳动,中国快速发展的社交媒体独角兽,将要进入搜索引擎领域与百度和腾讯相抗争。 The co...

  • 中国自主研发飞机发动机CJ-1000AX点火成功

    18-05-21 Chinas self-developed demonstrator aircraft engine CJ-1000AX has completed a successful test run in Shanghai, the engine maker said Sunday. 中国自主研发演示飞机发动机验证机CJ-1000AX在上海点火成功。 AECC Commercial Aircraft Engine Co. Ltd. (ACAE) des...

  • 欧盟向谷歌罚款24.2亿欧元

    17-06-28 The European Commission fines Google 2.42 billion euros (2.7 billion U.S. dollars) for abusing its dominance as a search engine by giving illegal advantage to its own comparison shopping service. 因谷歌滥用自身在搜索引擎领域的主导地位,在搜索结果中...

  • 小王子 Chapter 2

    16-07-11 So I lived my life alone, without anyone that I could really talk to, until I had an accident with my plane in the Desert of Sahara, six years ago. Something was broken in my engine. And as I had with me neither a mechanic nor any passengers, I set...

  • 玩具箱常用词

    16-02-14 doll 娃娃 yo-yo 悠悠球 fire engine 消防车 toy box 玩具箱 slinky 弹簧玩具 toy soldiers 玩具士兵 blocks 积木 legos 乐高积木 robot 机器人 crayons 蜡笔 remote controlled car 遥控汽车 barbie 芭比娃娃 car 车 teddy bear 泰迪熊 ball 球 walkie-talkie 对讲机...

  • 美国着手打造新一代无人侦察机SR-71

    13-11-11 Lockheed Martin has begun work on a successor to the supersonic Blackbird SR-71 spy plane. 美国国防工业巨头洛克希德已经着手打造将以六倍音速飞行的新一代无人侦察机黑鸟之子SR-71黑鸟间谍飞机的下一代。 The unmanned SR-72 will use an engine that combines...

  • 澳洲航空向劳斯莱斯提起诉讼

    10-12-03 Qantas has begun legal action against the engine supplier Rolls-Royce following the explosion of an engine on one of the airline's Airbus A380s. 澳洲航空一架A380空中客机的引擎发生爆炸,该公司已经对其引擎供应商劳斯莱斯提起法律诉讼。 It said the legal...

  • A380客机的引擎存在“生产故障”

    10-12-02 Air safety investigators in Australia say they have identified a serious manufacturing fault with engines fitted to Airbus A380 passenger jets. 澳大利亚航空安全调查委员会称,他们已经在A380空中客机上的引擎中发现了一个严重的生产故障。 The engine explo...

  • 劳斯莱斯需要为40架客机更换引擎

    10-11-18 Up to 40 Rolls-Royce engines on Airbus A380 superjumbos worldwide will need to be replaced, according to Australian airline Qantas. 澳洲航空公司称,全世界范围内共有40架A380超级客机上的劳斯莱斯引擎需要更换。 Rolls Royce has said a specific component...

  • 丰田北美再次召回100万辆轿车

    10-08-27 Toyota has announced another recall involving more than one million cars in the US and Canada with potentially faulty engine control systems. 丰田宣布在美国和加拿大再次召回100多万辆轿车,此次召回的车辆可能存在发动机控制系统问题。 The recalls have ca...