• 幸灾乐祸乃自卑作怪

    11-12-17 Do you rub your hands in glee if an acquaintance fails to land their dream job? Or chuckle when someone spills their coffee down their white shirt? If so, then it could be because youve got low self-esteem, according to researchers. 如果你认识的一个...

  • Low self-esteem leads to obesity 研究:自卑易导致肥胖

    09-09-11 Children with self-esteem problems are more likely to be obese as adults, a research team has found. 一个研究小组发现,有自卑心理问题的儿童易导致成年后肥胖。 A study of 6,500 participants in the 1970 British Birth Cohort Study found that 10-year-old...
