• “已灭绝” 鱼类物种重现生机

    22-05-18 A little-known species with an extraordinary story. The Tequila fish is a small freshwater fish that lives in the rivers and lakes of southwest Mexico. 这是一个鲜为人知的物种,却有着非同一般的故事。高体宗谷鳉是一种小型淡水鱼,生活在墨西哥西南部的河...

  • 跟踪南冰洋附近迁徙的鲸鱼

    22-01-22 In New Zealand, southern right whales were hunted to near extinction about a century ago. Since that time, the population has slowly recovered. 在新西兰,南露脊鲸在大约一个世纪前被捕杀至濒临灭绝。但自那时起,其数量就缓慢回升。 Dr Emma Carroll, Unive...

  • 中国将大力保护长江江豚

    18-08-08 The Yangtze River is a major habitant for finless porpoise, an aquatic marine mammal close to dolphins. 长江是江豚的主要栖息地。江豚是一种水生哺乳动物,与海豚有较近的亲缘关系。 However due to increasing human activities the number of the animal has...