• 几个和far相关的常用英语表达

    22-08-31 1 a far cry from 这个短语可不是在很远的地方哭的意思,而是天壤之别。 例句: What Mary did was a far cry from what she said she was going to do. 玛丽言行不一。 2 so far so good 这个短语很常用,意思是到目前为止一切都还算顺利。 例句: The work is rather...

  • you are going too far 你太过分了

    22-08-31 你太过分了的正确英文说法是You are going too far.。其中go too far不是走得太远的意思,而是指某人的行为过于极端。 go far与go too far形似,但是少了个too,意思却大不同,意为有远大前程。 例句: Youve gone too far. You have to apologize to me. 你太过分了,...

  • 经典“噎人”语录 下

    22-08-18 6. Thats going too far. 太过分了! A: Should I buy my girlfriend a car? 我是不是该给我女朋友买部车呢? B: Thats going too far. 那太过分了! 7. See. / I told you (so). 我老早告诉过你。(洋洋得意、有先见之明) A: It was stupid of me to go bungee jumpin...

  • 太过分

    22-08-11 1. Go too far | go this/that far 跑得太远了?这个短语实际是指行为过于极端,一般人没法接受。 例:I never thought shed go this far. 真没想到她竟然如此过分! 2. Over the top 比最高还高?小伙伴们会不会有种比逼格更有逼格的赶脚?这个短语可以用来形容行为举...

  • go too far 太过分

    22-07-22 go too far 表示走得太远,也有太极端太过分的含义,也就是我们所说的离谱。 类似的表达还有 carry sth too far。 例:Hes going a bit too far. 他有点太离谱了。 例:Youve carried this joke too far. 你的玩笑开得太离谱了。...

  • a bridge too far 难以实现的目标

    22-06-28 a bridge too far 难以实现的目标 A bridge too far这个习语源自二战时期盟军的一次空降作战行动。作战目标是攻取11座具有战略意义的桥梁,打开通路直捣柏林,但是该作战行动在阿纳姆遭到惨败。据说,弗雷德里克布朗宁中将从一开始就对此作战持怀疑态度,在行动发起之...

  • visitors are few and far between 门可罗雀

    22-03-23 门可罗雀,字面意思是大门之前可以张起网来捕麻雀(birds can be caught by a net at the door),罗做动词表示张网捕捉(catch birds with a net),门可罗雀用来形容十分冷落,宾客稀少(visitors are few and far between,having few visitors)。 例句: 展厅门可...

  • be determined to go the whole hog 一不做,二不休

    21-12-01 一不做,二不休,汉语俗语,意思是要么不做,做了就索性做到底。指事情既然做了开头,就坚持到底。可以翻译为be determined to go the whole hog,或once it is started, go through with it等。 例句: 到这地步,我们只好一不做二不休。 Now that weve gone as far a...

  • too much is as bad as too little 过犹不及

    21-09-07 过犹不及,汉语成语,意思是事情做得过头,就跟做得不够一样,都不合适。可以翻译为going beyond is just as wrong as not going far enough或too much is as bad as too little等。 例句: 阳光或许是最好的消毒剂,但凡事过犹不及。 Sunlight may be the best disinf...

  • 想不到已经跑了这么远

    10-02-24 I didn't know that I was so far A big battle was going on during the First World War. Guns were firing, and shells and bullets were flying about everywhere. After an hour of this, one of the soldiers decidedthat the fighting was getting too dangerou...