• 生态农场

    23-07-03 生态农场ecological farms 农业农村部近日印发《推进生态农场建设的指导意见》。《意见》提出,到2025年,在全国建设1000家国家级生态农场,带动各省建设10000家地方生态农...

  • 美国农场农作物多样性下降

    15-09-21 U.S. farmers are growing fewer types of crops than they were 34 years ago, which could have implications for how farms fare as changes to the climate evolve, according to a large-scale study by Kansas State University, North Dakota State University...

  • 部分海豹在海上风电场中觅食

    14-07-22 By using sophisticated GPS tracking to monitor seals' every movement, researchers have shown for the first time that some individuals are repeatedly drawn to(接近) offshore wind farms and pipelines. Those man-made structures probably serve as arti...

  • 畜牧业对环境与人体皆有一定危害

    11-09-28 Emissions from livestock farms cause asthma(哮喘) and COPD patients living nearby to experience more exacerbations(发作,恶化) , according to research presented at the European Respiratory Society's Annual Congress in Amsterdam. Also, chances of...
