• gain notoriety by shocking statements 哗众取宠

    22-03-23 哗众取宠,汉语成语,意思是以浮夸的言行迎合大众,骗取大众的信赖和支持(court peoples favour by saying something impressive; gain notoriety by shocking statements)。含贬义,形容轻浮好虚荣。 例句: 为了哗众取宠,那位演讲者大讲特讲粗俗的笑话。 The spea...

  • ingratiate oneself 献殷勤

    21-04-20 献殷勤,汉语词语,意思是为讨好别人而细心伺候﹑奉承(curry favour usually by being very attentive to somebody)。可以翻译为ingratiate oneself或fawn on。 例句: 向当权者大献殷勤 Ingratiate oneself with people in authority 他的同学们发现他太爱献殷勤了...

  • Precious first born: mothers admit they really do favour fir

    09-07-29 Most mothers would agree they treated the first child differently to later children. Mothers really do favour their 'precious first borns' over the children they have later, research has found. Among examples of attention lavished on the 'precious f...
