• 食物网的古今差异不大

    14-03-20 Researchers from the Santa Fe Institute and the Smithsonian Institution have pieced together a highly detailed picture of feeding relationships among 700 mammal, bird, reptile, fish, insect, and plant species from a 48 million year old lake and fore...

  • 座头鲸多数时间在海底觅食

    13-10-31 Humpback whales are known for the complexity of their feeding techniques, which include trapping krill and other prey within bubble nets they produce and gulping(狼吞虎咽地吃) up to two-thirds their weight in prey-laden water. Now, scientists have...

  • 调查:人工营养存在缺陷

    10-06-28 There are major deficiencies in the way hospitals provide artificial nutrition to sick babies and adults, an inquiry has found. 一项调查发现,医院向生病的婴儿和成年人提供人工营养的方式有很多缺陷。 Artificial feeding is for those who cannot absorb fo...
