• 请病假

    22-03-11 经典表达: Im not feeling well. 我不太舒服。 举一反三: Im feeling a bit under weather. 我感到有点不舒服. I came down with a fever/cold/the flue. 我发烧了/感冒了/得了流感。 I feel sick. 我觉得不舒服。 I have a bad cold. 我得了重感冒。 I have a high...

  • have a sense of déjà vu 似曾相识

    21-10-21 似曾相识,汉语成语,意思是好像曾经见过。形容见过的事物再度出现。可以翻译为have a sense of dj vu,表示have a feeling that one has seen or heard something before。 例句: 一走进这个房间,我就有种似曾相识的感觉。 I entered the room and immediately felt...

  • 如何对待耻辱

    20-10-24 Humiliation. Many of us have experienced it, right? That horrific feeling of just wanting the ground to open up and swallow us. Its an awful sensation when someone decides to belittle us and make us feel small. But what is humiliation, and how can w...

  • Oliver Twist 雾都孤儿 - Chapter 9

    16-02-18 It was late next morning when Oliver awoke, from a sound, long sleep. There was no other person in the room but the old Jew, who was boiling some coffee in a saucepan for breakfast, and whistling softly to himself as he stirred it round and round, w...

  • January feeling 一月心情

    16-02-16 January feeling refers to an emotional state characterized by feelings of optimism and possibility, particularly at the start of a new year. 一月心情是指新年伊始之际,对一切抱持乐观态度,认为所有事都充满各种可能性的心理状态。 There's another sense o...

  • conversational remorse 聊天马后炮

    16-01-08 Conversational remorse is the feeling you get after leaving a conversation and thinking of all the things you should have said when you were in the conversation, be it witty feedback, wise advice or informative message. Conversational remorse指跟别...

  • English is Confusing

    13-01-23 Good evening, everybody! said the teacher, Donna. Where is everybody? That was sort of a daily joke by Donna. Usually the class started with only two or three students present, and then filled up as the minutes went by. It was summertime. Summer sch...

  • 快乐的秘密

    12-11-29 Last summer I picked up The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle for the first time, and at once something clicked. With incredibly lucid(明晰的) , unadorned(朴素的) prose, he describes exactly how we perpetuate our own suffering in our minds, keeping...

  • When we first met

    10-12-17 I held back so much afraid to show my deepest feelings your gentleness and honesty encouraged me to open up and I started a trust in you that I never had with anyone else Once I started to express my feelings I realized that this is the only way to...
