• mend fences with someone 重归于好

    21-01-14 表达 mend fences with someone 的字面意思是 与某人一起修补篱笆墙,比喻 发生分歧或产生矛盾后与某人重归于好,冰释前嫌。这个表达用来描述某人试图修复与另外一个人的关系。 例句 Im trying to mend fences with Ryan. I think I upset him last night. 我正在试图...

  • 美墨边境护栏不利于野生动物生活

    11-07-13 Current and proposed border fences pose significant threats to wildlife populations, with those animals living in border regions along the Texas Gulf and California coasts showing some of the greatest vulnerability, a new study from The University o...
