• eye-opener 让人大开眼界的事物

    21-05-12 搭配 eye-opener 是由单词 eye 眼睛 和 opener 开的东西 构成的合成词。它用来指一件事非常有趣,有教育性、启发性或引人深省,让人惊讶得目瞪口呆、大开眼界。 例句 He didnt think he would be interested in fish, but Rob found the trip to the aquarium a real e...

  • G20部长级会议在布宜诺斯艾利斯召开

    18-03-20 The first G20 meeting of finance ministers and central bank governors began on Monday in Buenos Aires, with the presence of 57 delegations from countries and institutions. 首届G20财政部长以及央行行长会议周一在布宜诺斯艾利斯举行,这次会议有来自57个国...

  • high-income group 高收入人群

    16-12-17 Finance and taxation experts have refuted rumors that individuals whose annual income is more than 120,000 yuan ($17,720) are in the high-income group and will be levied higher tax. 财政和税务专家否认了近期有关年收入12万元以上算高收入人群、要多征税...

  • land sale revenue 土地出让收入

    16-05-25 Most of Chinas land sale revenue last year went to compensation and related spending, leaving only a marginal sum to be used for other expenditures, according to the Finance Ministry. 财政部近日表示,2015年大部分土地出让收入用在了补偿及相关费用上,...

  • green finance 绿色金融

    16-04-28 Green finance was one of the topics discussed at the meeting of G20 finance ministers and central bank governors in Shanghai recently. 近日,二十国集团财长及央行行长会议在上海举行,绿色金融是此次会议的议题之一。 绿色金融(green finance)指金融部门把...

  • G20峰会:采取行动使经济复苏走上正规

    15-09-06 G20 finance ministers and central bank governors pledged to take decisive action to keep the economic recovery on track. 参加G20峰会的财政部长与央行理事承诺将采取果断行动使经济复苏走上正规。 The communique said that G20 finance ministers and central...

  • 京东金融借贷业务增长迅速

    15-07-01 JD Finance has reported rapid growth in its consumer finance business. 京东金融报道,消费者金融业务增长迅速。 The Internet financial services provider said that the amount its customers borrowed jumped by more than 7-hundred percent in June compared...

  • 李克强非盟演讲要点翻译

    14-05-28 实施产业合作工程 cooperation in industry 实施金融合作工程 cooperation in finance 实施减贫合作工程 cooperation in poverty reduction 实施生态环保合作工程 cooperation in ecological protection 实施人文交流合作工程 cooperation in people-to-people exchang...

  • 以色列外交官举行罢工 外国使馆关闭

    14-03-31 Israel's diplomats called an out-all strike over a long-running pay and conditions dispute on Sunday, shutting the country's 103 foreign embassies and jeopardising a forthcoming visit by the pope. 由于薪酬及工作条件长期令人不满意,以色列外交官们进行...

  • 日本副首相让老年人“赶紧死”减轻财政负担

    13-01-25 日本副首相兼财政大臣麻生太郎近日表示,老年人应该获准赶紧死,好帮助政府减轻医疗财政负担。 Japan's new government is barely a month old, and already one of its most senior members has insulted tens of millions of voters by suggesting that the elderly...