• I Owe You for a Float

    15-01-05 Mr Smith worked in a post office and three years ago, when he was sixty, he retired. Now he and his wife stay at home and his children work in another city. The old woman does all housework and he has nothing to do at home. He likes neither reading...

  • 庄子钓鱼

    14-11-27 Zhuangzi was sitting by Pushui Rievr, fishing leisurely. Chu Weiwang, king of the state of Chu, sent two ministers to come to persuade him accepting the position of Prime Minister. Zhuangzi asked, It is heard that a holy tortoise which has been dead...

  • 鱼类“性格”影响钓鱼上钩率

    14-10-30 Individual differences in moving activity in a novel environment are linked to individual differences in vulnerability to angling, according to an experimental study completed at the University of Eastern Finland and the Finnish Game and Fisheries R...

  • 桂饵金钩

    14-09-29 A person of the state of Lu loved angling very much. Obsessed with it, he used sweet-osmanthus as bait and a hook made of gold. He even inlayed the hook with siver thread and jade, and use thick thread made of kingfisher's feather as fishing thread....

  • 某些巨型鱼类在亚马逊流域已经绝迹

    14-08-14 An international team of scientists has discovered that a large, commercially important fish from the Amazon Basin has become extinct in some local fishing communities. The team compared mainstream bioeconomic theory -- which policymakers have depen...

  • Logic 哪一门逻辑

    14-01-23 Two people were going fishing. They went a long way to buy the equipment, bait and a video camera. Then they drove to the seaside. The roads were bad, and their car was badly damaged, with dents here and there. Most of their equipment was damaged, t...

  • The Fisherman and his Wife

    14-01-08 There was once on a time a Fisherman who lived with his wife in a miserable hovel(小屋,茅舍) close by the sea, and every day he went out fishing. And once as he was sitting with his rod, looking at the clear water, his line suddenly went down, fa...

  • 对鲨鱼的过度捕捞影响珊瑚礁生长

    13-09-21 A team of scientists from Canada and Australia has discovered that a decline in shark populations is detrimental(有害的) to coral reefs. Where shark numbers are reduced due to commercial fishing, there is also a decrease in the herbivorous fishes...

  • 中太平洋海域曾存在未知的鲨鱼品种

    13-04-07 The Gilbert Island reefs in the Central Pacific were once home to two species of sharks not previously reported in historic records or contemporary studies. The species were discovered in a new analysis of weapons made from shark teeth and used by 1...

  • Fishing for Girls

    13-01-23 Wednesday night, Howard asked Glenn if he wanted to go fishing and girl-watching that weekend at Santa Fe Lake. We'll leave Friday morning and return late Sunday night, he said. Glenn said he had to clean out his garage, so Howard went by himself. H...