• 女性常靠调情实现目的

    12-12-14 Flirting to get ahead has always been a contentious issue. But it seems women are not scared to use their feminine charms to get what they want both at home and in the office, according to a new study. 通过调情来达到目的一直有所争议。但最新研究显示...

  • 调情必杀技:赞美嘴唇

    10-12-18 Shall I compare thee to a Summer's day?, asked Shakespeare. Now, women of the world have replied: No, just tell me I have beautiful lips. 我可以把你比作夏日吗?莎士比亚问道。现在,全世界的女人们回答:不用了,只要告诉我我的嘴唇很漂亮就可以了。 A new...

  • 调情方式可能影响到恋爱成功率

    10-11-21 There is a lot more to flirting than fun, according to a new research study that says finding success in romance depends in part on understanding your own personal flirting style. 一项新研究表明,调情不止是乐趣,恋爱成功与否有一部分取决于对自己个人...

  • To love is one thing, to express is another

    09-11-04 It's one thing to love somebody, but it's another thing to tell him you love him. Two years ago I had a best friend, we grew so close together. I always had had a crush on(爱着,迷恋) him, but I figured that it would be better if we stayed friends...
