• in the flower of your youth 风华正茂

    21-07-21 In the flower of somebodys youth 的意思是某人正在风华正茂时。 例句 Look at those students theyre all in the flower of their youth. Shes still extremely active considering shes no longer in the flower of her youth. 请注意 另一个和花有关的常用表达是 i...

  • 枉凝眉

    21-06-17 枉凝眉 Hope Betrayed 作者:曹雪芹,译者:David Hawkes 一个是阆苑仙葩, One was a flower from paradise, 一个是美玉无瑕, One a pure jade without spot or stain. 若说没奇缘, If each of the other one was not intended, 今生偏又遇着他; Then why in this...

  • 2月值得一看的国外佳片

    21-02-19 The Little Things《蛛丝马迹》 The Little Things was a contemporary neo-noir detective mystery when John Lee Hancock (Saving Mr Banks, The Blind Side) wrote the screenplay back in 1993. Almost three decades later, Hancock has finally directed what is...

  • Work: A Story of Experience - Chapter 11

    21-01-24 FROM that day a new life began for Christie, a happy, quiet, useful life, utterly unlike any of the brilliant futures she had planned for herself; yet indescribably pleasant to her now, for past experience had taught her its worth, and made her read...

  • Under the Lilacs - Chapter 12

    21-01-21 Every one was very kind to Ben when his loss was known. The Squire wrote to Mr. Smithers that the boy had found friends and would stay where he was. Mrs. Moss consoled him in her motherly way, and the little girls did their very best to be good to p...

  • Little Women - Chapter 6

    20-09-27 The big house did prove a Palace Beautiful, though it took some time for all to get in, and Beth found it very hard to pass the lions. Old Mr. Laurence was the biggest one, but after he had called, said something funny or kind to each one of the gir...

  • 有能力帮助别人 是一种幸福

    20-09-10 The hummingbird was lost in the supermarket, exhausted, starving, and near death as it spiraled towards the ground on helpless wings. 一只蜂鸟在超市里迷路了,它疲惫不堪且饥饿难耐,由于无力挥动双翼,小蜂鸟飞得越来越低,眼看就要奄奄一息。 I snatched h...

  • 中国发现侏罗纪早期的花朵化石

    18-12-20 A newly discovered fossilized flower in Chinas Nanjing Province might reshape our current understanding of the evolution of flowers, by pushing back the appearance of flowering plants back as far as the Early Jurassic Period, according to a report b...

  • 计算机模拟世界第一朵花的模样

    17-08-13 All living flowers ultimately derive from a single ancestor that lived about 140 million years ago, a study suggests. 一项研究表明,地球上现存的所有花卉都起源于1.4亿年前的同一个祖先。 Scientists combined models of flower evolution with the largest d...

  • 小王子 Chapter 18

    17-04-26 The little prince crossed the desert and met with only one flower. It was a flower with three petals, a flower of no account at all. Good morning, said the little prince. Good morning, said the flower. Where are the men? the little prince asked, pol...