• 21匹珍稀野马在新疆出生

    19-06-21 Twenty-one foals of the rare Przewalskis horses have been born in the wild in northwest Chinas Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region since this spring. 从今年春天开始已有21匹普尔热瓦尔斯基氏野马在新疆野外出生。 The Przewalskis horse, named after its Russ...

  • 两匹野马马驹在新疆降生

    17-04-25 Two foals were born at a wild horse breeding center in northwest Chinas Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, with more expected this year, researchers said Monday. 研究人员周一表示,两匹小马驹在新疆自治区一个野马繁殖中心降生。 The birth of two female P...
