• 礼貌说No

    22-08-15 1. I cant right now, but maybe later. 我现在办不了,过会儿再看吧。 这意味着将来可能行。 2. Unfortunately, Ive had a few things come up. 不好意思,我手头有一些事情要处理。 这是指有意外的事情发生了。 3. Im trying to focus on finishing off some other t...

  • be concentrated on 心无旁骛

    21-08-10 心无旁骛,汉语成语,心思没有另外的追求,形容心思集中,专心致志。可以翻译为be devoted to,be absorbed in,或be concentrated on等。 例句: 这个国家始终心无旁骛地发展实体经济,特别是将制造业放在核心位置。 The country has consistently concentrated on de...

  • 福特把福克斯生产线搬到中国

    17-06-21 Ford Motor Co. will export vehicles from China to the U.S. for the first time starting in 2019. 2019年开始,福特汽车将首次从中国向美国出口汽车。 Ford said Tuesday it plans to move production of its Ford Focus small car from the U.S. to China, where...

  • snowflake generation 雪花一代

    17-03-31 Snowflake generation refers to the young adults of the 2010s, who are viewed as being less resilient and more prone to taking offence than previous generations. 雪花一代指最近几年的青年。与以往几代人相比,他们被认为是适应能力更弱并更易发怒的一代。 T...

  • strategic focus 战略定力

    15-06-29 Chinese President Xi Jinping has highlighted the role of reform in China's adjustment to the new normal, saying reform is the recipe for boosting development and China should maintain its strategic focus . 国家主席习近平强调改革在中国适应新常态过程...
