• 亚马逊雨林森林采伐一年间增长28%

    13-11-18 Brazil says the rate of deforestation in the Amazon increased by 28% between August 2012 and last July. 巴西政府称,从2012年8月至2013年7月,亚马逊雨林的森林采伐增长28%。 The government is working to reverse this crime, Environment Minister Izabella...

  • The Singing,Soaring Lark

    13-11-07 There was once on a time a man who was about to set out on a long journey, and on parting he asked his three daughters what he should bring back with him for them. Whereupon the eldest wished for pearls, the second wished for diamonds, but the third...

  • 森林能减少气候变化对濒危物种的影响

    13-11-02 Forests with dense canopies create a microclimate that protects a variety of cold-adapted plant species from warming air temperatures, a study has shown. 一项研究发现,拥有浓密树冠的森林能为一些低温植物创造一个没有热空气的小环境。 Researchers found...

  • 气候变化对灰熊生存有一定益处

    13-10-29 Global warming and forest disturbances may have a silver lining for threatened species of grizzly bears(灰熊) in Alberta, Canada. In a 10-year study that monitored 112 bears in Alberta's Rocky Mountain region, University of Alberta biologist Scott...

  • 未来全球造林活动似乎不可能发生

    13-10-20 Feeding a growing global population while also slowing or reversing global deforestation may only be possible if agricultural yields rise and/or per capita food consumption declines over the next century, according to historic global food consumptio...

  • 一万年前亚马逊西部已有人类活动

    13-08-29 Previously unknown archeological sites in forest islands reveal human presence in the western Amazon as early as 10,000 years ago, according to research published August 28 in the open access journal PLOS ONE by Umberto Lombardo from the University...

  • German Black Forest Cake

    13-08-29 Black forest gateau(奶油蛋糕) is a chocolate layer cake, heavy with cherries and swathed(包围,裹) in loads of whipped cream. The sour cherries and sweet chocolate are so good together that one can understand why this has become one of the most...

  • The Two Travellers

    13-08-19 Hill and vale do not come together, but the children of men do, good and bad. In this way a shoemaker and a tailor once met with each other in their travels. The tailor was a handsome little fellow who was always merry and full of enjoyment. He saw...

  • The Two Kings' Children

    13-08-08 There was once on a time a King who had a little boy of whom it had been foretold that he should be killed by a stag when he was sixteen years of age, and when he had reached that age the huntsmen once went hunting with him. In the forest, the King'...

  • 婆罗洲猩猩用大量时间在地上行走

    13-07-30 Orangutans might be the king of the swingers, but primatologists in Borneo have found that the great apes spend a surprising amount of time walking on the ground. The research, published in the American Journal of Primatology found that it is common...